
News & Media Releases

Getting Ready for Sustainable Retirement and Aged Care (Smart Investor - Online News)

How prepared are Malaysians for their aged care and retirement planning? Looking at the current demographic of Malaysia, we are definitely moving towards an aging population and the need  for long term retirement planning is expected to rise, and it is rising fast. General Malaysian public do not take into account the potential aged care costs into their long-term financial planning. Ex...

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Planning for Healthcare Costs in Retirement (The Star Online - Business News)

Health problems do not discriminate between age and gender. Those who have been known to lead the healthiest of lifestyle could also fall prey to unexpected, life-threatening diseases.For those who are planning for retirement, healthcare is a huge expenditure to plan for on top of normal living expenses. Unlike travel, hobbies or entertainment expenses in retirement, medical expenses are non-disc...

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Personalise your Retirement Plans (The Star Online – Business News)

Imagine… The magic date has come. It is now time to retire and enjoy your ‘Golden Years’. As you retire from active work life with time on your hands, the idiom definitely conjures up images of great escapades to different corners of the world, fun in the sun, spending quality time with loved ones, enjoying hobbies and doing all things that you never got to do when you were tied down to you...

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Pelabur dinasihatkan bersedia hadapi pasaran saham turun naik (Utusan Malaysia - Bisnes)

KUALA LUMPUR 13 Sept -  Pelabur-pelabur dinasihatkan agar memperuntukkan sebahagian kecil portfolio bagi aktiviti jual beli runcit bagi menghadapi keadaan pasaran saham yang turun naik ketika ini.Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif Kenanga Investors Bhd. (KIB), Ismitz Matthew De Alwis berkata, para pelabur juga disaran mengambil pendekatan jangka masa panjang apabila melakukan pelaburan kerana ia d...

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The Bigger Picture of Retirement (The Sunday Star – Star Special)

‘Look at retirement holistically’ is advice that Kenanga Investors Berhad (KIB) emphasises when it comes to improving one’s financial status. In the past, retirement was not a common topic to be discussed among friends or family. Many people believe that the money contributed to their EPF will be sufficient to take care of their retirement, but is it really enough?...

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Kenanga’s New Fund To Capitalise On ASEAN Diversity

Kuala Lumpur, 8 July 2015 – Kenanga Investors Berhad (“Kenanga Investors”) has launched the Kenanga ASEAN Tactical Total Return Fund (the “Fund”). The Fund is aimed at investors seeking absolute returns by investing in equities and equity related securities of companies in the ASEAN region. As an absolute return fund, it aims to achieve a positive target return of 8% per annum over a fu...

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From the Chief Investment Officer’s Desk: Greece Fallout - Significant Events Unfolding Soon

The Greek government announced a referendum to be held on 5 July on whether to say “Yes” or “No” to the creditors’ proposal for bailout aid. The unexpected turn of events over the weekend is seen pushing Greece towards default as early as this evening (Tuesday, 30 June 2015) and an exit from the Eurozone. The uncertainty over Greece will overhang market sentiment and the US nonfarm...

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Kenanga Growth Fund Receives Recommended Unit Trusts Award for Consistent Top Performance

KUALA LUMPUR, 17 JUNE 2015: – Kenanga Investors Berhad’s (“Kenanga Investors”), Kenanga Growth Fund, was honoured at’s (“FSM”) annual Recommended Unit Trusts Awards for the period 2015/16. Kenanga Growth Fund received this award under the Core Equity – Malaysia category. This is the fifth consecutive year that Kenanga Growth Fund has been recognised for this este...

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The Edge Special Report on PRS - 1 June 2015 (Giving the industry a much-need boost)

When the Private Retirement Scheme (PRS) was introduced in late 2012 as another source of retirement savings, in addition to the Employees Provident Fund (EPF) contributions, the Securities Commission Malaysia (SC) said it expected PRS funds to have RM30.9 billion under management within 10 years.Today, with eight providers, 46 funds and more than RM850 million worth of assets under management (A...

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Kenanga Investors participate in Save ‘n’ Invest Roadshows & Seminars

Save ‘n’ Invest Roadshows & Seminars 2015 entitled ‘Save & Invest for Financial Freedom’ are organised by Money Compass to bring valuable resource and insights to the general public started from April to June 2015. The topics that covered in these events are:Money Saving, Financial Freedom & Retirement Planning, right attitude and behaviour alignment towards Money, Debts &...

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Asia's Market Outlook in 2015: Continue to be Positive on North Asia

We are pleased to share with you’s recent interview with Yap Eng Li, Senior Vice President of Kenanga Investors on her view for Asia’s Market outlook in 2015. Eng Li has shared her insights for the questions below:What is the outlook for Asia in 2015? What catalysts do you see for the year?How much further upside is there for investors and are valuations appealing? What abou...

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Top Fund sees Bargains in Small Stocks at 39% Discount

KUALA LUMPUR: The country's top performing fund manager is adding to holdings of small cap stocks, betting that a bull market rally will continue as earnings improve and valuations trail larger peers. Kenanga Investors Bhd. favours exporters and builders as the US economy recovers and Malaysia boosts spending on infrastructure, chief investment officer Lee Sook Yee said in an interview....

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