
News & Media Releases

Press Release: Kenanga Investors Launches Frontier Fund

Kenanga Investors has announced the launch of the Kenanga Sustainability Series: Frontier Fund (“the Fund”). The Fund aims to invest primarily in equity securities of global cutting-edge and innovative companies with long-term sustainable growth potential, are on the cusps of initial public offerings. Kenanga Investors foresees significant investment possibilities in these growth ventures, wh...

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Press Release: MARC affirms Investment Manager Rating of IMR-2 on KIB and KIIB

Kenanga Investors Berhad (KIB) and Kenanga Islamic Investors Berhad (KIIB) have been affirmed investment manager ratings (IMR) of IMR-2 by the Malaysian Rating Corporation Berhad (MARC) for the 5th consecutive year since first rated in 2017. The IMR rating reflects KIB’s well-established investment processes and sound risk management practices. During 1H2021, KIB’s average one-year, three-yea...

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The Star: Getting Through The Tough Times

Kenanga Investors was recently featured in The Star's retirement planning special. The featured article entitled Getting through the tough times addresses financial planning throughout the pandemic. Kenanga Investor's Ismitz Matthew De Alwis, Executive Director and Chief Executive Officer provided strategies and useful advice in navigating the challenging year brought on by the pandemic. He highl...

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The Star: Invest in You

Kenanga Investors Berhad (“Kenanga Investors”) in collaboration with The Star has release an article, titled “Invest in You”. The article briefly discusses the importance of financial planning to provide a solid foundation to one’s financial security and portfolio. Its significance is further increased as recent lockdowns and spikes in infectious cases have begun to increase, and thus h...

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Press Release: Kenanga Investors Relaunches Funds with Global Focus

Kenanga Investors Berhad (“Kenanga Investors”) has relaunched two of its unit trust funds, the Kenanga Global Growth Fund (“KGGF”, formerly Kenanga Resource Equity Fund) and Kenanga Global Islamic Fund (“KGIF”, formerly Kenanga Islamic Fund). KGGF aims to achieve capital growth by investing primarily in global equities and equity-related securities with a secondary focus on fixed inco...

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The Star: ESG Awareness Increasingly Vital for Companies

Executive Director and Chief Executive Officer of Kenanga Investors, Ismitz Matthew De Alwis recently discussed the role of environmental, social, and governance (“ESG”) in company valuation and the increased awareness from millennials on sustainable investing at the Star Wealth Summit 2021, a two-day digital event organized by The Star Media Group. Lee Sook Yee, Kenanga Investors’ Chief In...

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