Kenanga Investment Bank Berhad (“KIBB”) | KIBB is the Shariah Adviser for the following: - Kenanga OnePRS Shariah Equity Fund KIBB shall advise on the mechanics of the operations of the Funds to ensure the operations of the Funds comply with Shariah requirements. |
General Information of KIBB | KIBB is a licensed investment bank approved to carry on Islamic banking business. KIBB Shariah Committee was formed on 12 November 2012 after the approval from Bank Negara Malaysia. |
Experience in Advisory and Services | KIBB Shariah Committee acts as the Shariah Adviser for Islamic collective investment schemes. KIBB is also involved in Islamic private mandates and is also the Shariah Adviser for sukuk. |
Roles and Responsibilities of KIBB as the Shariah-Adviser | As Shariah Adviser, KIBB will ensure the operations and investments of the Funds are in compliance with Shariah requirements. KIBB shall review the Funds’ investments on a monthly basis to ensure adherence with Shariah requirements at all times. In the end, the final responsibility to ensure Shariah compliancy of the Funds rests solely with the Manager/the PRS Provider. In line with the SC Guidelines, the roles of the Shariah Adviser are:
Profile of KIBB Shariah Committee | Dr. Ghazali Jaapar is the Chairman of Shariah Committee of Kenanga Investment Bank Berhad. He is currently an Assistant Professor at the Department of Islamic Law, Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyyah of Laws of International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM). He holds a Bachelor of Shariah from University of Malaya, Master in Comparative Law (MCL) from International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) and PhD in Islamic Jurisprudence from University of Birmingham United Kingdom. He is also the Shariah Committee of EXIM Bank and Shariah Adviser of Skills Development Fund Corporation. Dr. Mohammad Firdaus Mohammad Hatta is the Shariah Committee of Kenanga Investment Bank Berhad. He is a Senior Lecturer of Arshad Ayub Graduate Business School, Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM) Shah Alam, Selangor. He received his first degree in Shariah Islamiyyah from University of Medina, Saudi Arabia. He then successfully completed his Masters in Fiqh and Usul Fiqh from the International Islamic University of Malaysia (IIUM) and obtained his PhD in Islamic Banking from University of Wales, Lampeter, United Kingdom. He is also received a Diploma in Islamic Finance from Markfield Institute of Higher Education, United Kingdom. He is also the Shariah Committee of Great Eastern Takaful Berhad. Dr. Fadillah Mansor is the Shariah Committee of Kenanga Investment Bank Berhad. She is currently a Head of Department of Shariah and Management, University of Malaya. She holds a Bachelor of Shariah (Honours) specialized in economics and a Master of Business Administration (MBA) in finance from University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur. She obtained her PhD in Islamic finance from the La Trobe University, Australia. Her areas of research include Islamic banking and finance, Islamic investment and capital market, takaful and also Islamic management. She is also the panel assessor of the Malaysian Qualifications Agency (MQA) that responsible for programme accreditation in the areas as mentioned above. |
BIMB Securities Sdn. Bhd. (“BIMB Securities”) | BIMB Securities is the Shariah Adviser for the following: - Kenanga Amanah Saham Wanita BIMB Securities will provide Shariah advisory services on the mechanism of the operations of the Funds to ensure the operations of the Funds comply with Shariah requirements as stipulated by the SC. |
General Information of BIMB Securities Sdn Bhd | BIMB Securities is a stockbroking subsidiary of BIMB Holdings Bhd. It was incorporated on 21 February 1994. The corporate mission of BIMB Securities is to be an active participant in a modern, innovative and dynamic Islamic capital market in Malaysia, catering for the needs of all investors, Muslims or non-Muslims, looking for Shariah-compliant investment products and services. |
Experience in Advisory and Services | BIMB Securities is registered with the SC to act as a Shariah Adviser for Islamic products and services regulated by the SC, which include Islamic collective investment schemes. BIMB Securities is a corporate Shariah Adviser to 84 Islamic funds including one (1) Islamic real estate investment trust (REIT). |
Roles and Responsibilities of BIMB as the Shariah-Adviser | As Shariah Adviser, BIMB Securities will ensure that the operation and processes of the Funds are in compliance with Shariah requirements. BIMB Securities shall review the Funds’ investments on a monthly basis to ensure adherence with Shariah requirements at all times Including the reviewing of the interim and annual reports of the Funds. Notwithstanding the role played by the Shariah Adviser, the ultimate responsibility for ensuring Shariah compliance of the Funds in all aspects of operation and processes rests solely with the Fund Manager. In line with the SC Guidelines, the roles of the Shariah Adviser are:
Profile of BIMB Securities Shariah Committee | Encik Muhammad Shahier bin Sa’min (En. Shahier) joined BIMB Securities as the Head of Shariah in October 2024. He is responsible for all Shariah-related matters at BIMB Securities and serves as the Secretary of the Shariah Advisory Committee and has been appointed as the Designated Shariah Person. He holds a Bachelor of Shariah, majoring in Economics and Islamic Banking from Yarmouk University, Jordan since 2014, and obtained a professional certificate, Associate Qualification in Islamic Finance (AQIF), from the Islamic Banking & Finance Institute Malaysia (IBFIM) in 2019. Prior to this, En. Shahier was the Head of Shariah at YAPEIM from June 2021 to October 2024, where he oversaw Shariah governance and compliance across the YAPEIM group. He also served as the Head of Business Development, Business Advisory at IBFIM from June 2019 to June 2021, providing Shariah advisory services and delivering Shariah training. Before that, he was the Senior Executive / Unit Lead of Shariah Compliance, Risk Management Division at Malaysia Debt Ventures Berhad (MDV) from January 2018 to June 2019, and a Consultant in Shariah Business Advisory at IBFIM from January 2015 to December 2017. Currently, En. Shahier also actively serves as a facilitator for IBFIM’s professional certification training programs and a speaker for Institut Koperasi Malaysia (IKM) awareness programs. |
Islamic Banking and Finance Institute Malaysia (“IBFIM”) | IBFIM is the Shariah Adviser for Kenanga Waqf Al-Ihsan Fund. |
General Information of IBFIM | IBFIM is a registered Shariah Adviser with the SC to act as a Shariah Adviser for Shariah-compliant products and services under Islamic Capital Markets (such as collective investment schemes, private mandates, Islamic REITs, Islamic ETFs, private equity funds, etc.) IBFIM is also a life-long learning institution which provides technical certifications in Islamic finance disciplines. |
Experience in Advisory and Services | IBFIM is registered with the SC to act as a Shariah Adviser for Islamic products and services regulated by the SC, which include Islamic collective investment schemes. IBFIM also has been providing a wide range of Shariah advisory and consultancy services for general Islamic financial services industry since 2001. |
Roles and Responsibilities of IBFIM as the Shariah Adviser | As the Shariah Adviser, the role of IBFIM is to advise the Manager on Shariah matters in ensuring that the operations and investments of the Fund are managed in compliance with Shariah requirements.The Shariah Adviser reviews the Fund's investments on a regular basis to ensure compliance with Shariah requirements at all times and meets with the Manager on quarterly basis to review and advise on the Fund's compliance with Shariah requirements. Ultimate responsibility for ensuring Shariah compliance of the Fund with Shariah requirements in all relevant aspects rests solely with the Manager. In line with SC's the Guidelines on Islamic Capital Market Products and Services, the roles and responsibilities of the Shariah Adviser are:
Profile of IBFIM Shariah Committee | Prof. Dr Aznan Hasan is IBFIM’s Panel of Subject Matter Experts. He is a Professor at Institute of Islamic Banking and Finance (IIiBF), IIUM. He is the Founding President, Association of Shariah Advisors in Islamic Finance (ASAS). He is also the Deputy Chairman, Shariah Advisory Council, Securities Commission and Deputy Chairman, Shariah Advisory Committee, Employee Provident Fund (EPF). He is also a member, Shariah Advisory Council, AAOIFI, Bahrain and Higher Shariah Authority, Central Bank of UAE. He also serves as a member of Board of Directors, Maybank Islamic Berhad. Before that, he served as Independent Non-Executive Director, Hong Leong MISG Takaful Berhad (2016-2019). He was a member, Shariah Advisory Council of Bank Negara Malaysia for two terms (2006-2008, 2010-2013). Prior to joining SAC of Bank Negara Malaysia, he was the Chairman, Shariah Advisory Board, ACR Retakaful MEA, Bahrain and SEA, Malaysia, where he was instrumental in the setting up of ACR Retakaful model from a Shariah point of view. Currently, he is the Chairman, Shariah Committee, Maybank Islamic Berhad and Bank Pembangunan Malaysia Berhad. He also serves as the Chairman, Shariah Advisory Board, Amanah Hartanah Bumiputra. Prof. Dr. Aznan also serves as the Chairman, Shariah Advisory Board, FNB Bank (South Africa), and Shariah Advisory Council, HSBC Amanah (Dubai), a member, Shariah Advisory Board, Standard Chartered (Global-DIFC-Dubai), Shariah Advisory Board, ABSA Islamic Bank (South Africa), Yasaar Limited (London), Khalij Islamic (UK) Limited (London), Bank Nizwa (Oman) and Amanah Raya Asset Management, as well as other financial institutions and corporate bodies located locally and internationally. He also serves as Shariah consultant to Maybank Investment Bank. Prof. Dr. Aznan is also a member, Shariah Supervisory Board, Waqaf Foundation, a corporate entity formed by the Government to oversee the application of Waqaf in Malaysia. He is also invited by several Zakat Centres in Malaysia to give advice on zakat matters in Malaysia. Prof. Dr. Azman is IBFIM’s Panel of Subject Matter Experts. He is a senior lecturer at Institute of Islamic Banking and Finance (“IIiBF”), International Islamic University Malaysia (“IIUM”). His areas of expertise include Islamic law of Transactions, Islamic Banking and Capital Markets, Takaful and Retakaful, Zakat Management and Calculation. He has been supervising MA and PhD students in the field of Islamic Banking and Capital Market at Department of Fiqh, IIiBF since 2006. Prof. Dr. Azman is currently the Chairman of Shariah Committee for Bank Rakyat Malaysia Berhad and Etiqa Takaful. He is also Shariah Committee Member of Kuwait Finance House (Malaysia) Berhad. He has also served as Deputy Chairman of Shariah Board for Al-Rajhi Banking & Investment Corporation (Malaysia) Berhad, Shariah Committee member of SME Bank (2012-2014), Shariah advisor to Kenanga Capital Sdn Bhd (2013-2016) and as a Shariah Committee Member of MNRB Retakaful (2009-2011). Prof. Dr. Azman is a registered Shariah Adviser with the SC for Islamic capital market products and services. Mohamad Salihin is the Director, Shariah Business Advisory of IBFIM. He brings with him approximately 23 years of combined experience in Islamic finance and Shariah advisory in both roles: as a policy maker in a regulatory authority and as an industry practitioner. At IBFIM, he leads the Shariah advisory and consultancy team helping the clients to achieve a comprehensive and optimal Shariah compliance solution for their businesses. Mohamad Salihin started his career with Bank Negara Malaysia’s Islamic Banking & Takaful Department. He then served CIMB Islamic Bank, Hong Leong Islamic Bank and Association of Islamic Banking Institutions Malaysia (AIBIM). Before joining IBFIM, he served Bank Pembangunan Malaysia Berhad as its Group Head, Shariah Management. He had gained experience in Shariah advisory, research, secretariat and review functions, developed and implemented the overall Shariah governance framework as well as involved in Islamic conversion initiative for a development bank. Mohamad Salihin holds double-degree in LLB(Hons) and LLB(Shariah)(Hons) from the International Islamic University Malaysia, Associate Qualification in Islamic Finance (AQIF) from IBFIM and Certified Shariah Advisor (CSA) qualification from the Association of Shariah Advisors in Islamic Finance (ASAS). He is a Member of ASAS and had previously served as its exco. He is a certified HRDCorp trainer and had contributed as reviewer of Shariah training modules. Occasionally, he speaks on Shariah governance topics in Islamic finance. Currently he is the Chairman of AmMetLife Takaful’s Shariah Committee, member of Affin Islamic Bank’s Shariah Committee and a registered Shariah adviser with the Securities Commission of Malaysia for IBFIM in relation to the Islamic capital market product and services. Irma Namira is currently a Manager, Business Advisory, IBFIM. She brings with her approximately 11 years of experience in Islamic finance and Shariah advisory. At IBFIM, she is responsible to lead and provide relevant inputs for the advisory, consultancy and research functions with regard to Islamic banking, takaful, Islamic capital market, Islamic REITs and Islamic unit trust funds. Irma Namira had started her career as a Shariah executive in RHB Islamic Bank Berhad since 2012. Specializing in Shariah advisory, governance and management portfolios, she was then entrusted as a Section Head of the Shariah Secretariat of RHB Islamic Bank from May 2015 until March 2020 before joining IBFIM. She is experienced in the Shariah application in Islamic products and services which includes retail banking, non-retail banking and Islamic capital markets. Irma Namira graduated with Bachelor of Syariah and Laws (Hons) from Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia. She also obtained Certificate in Islamic Law of Banking & Finance from International Islamic University Malaysia. She is a member of Association of Shariah Advisors in Islamic Finance (ASAS) and a registered Shariah adviser with the Securities Commission of Malaysia for IBFIM in relation to the Islamic capital market-related product and services. |